Online Devotionals
‘Messiah’ video series – Mike Betts
Fantastic daily devotional videos from Mike, based on the bible verses used in Handel’s Messiah. Short (10-20 mins), uplifting, and God-focussed – highly recommended. These can be watched on Facebook or Youtube. [Simon Gallagher]
Scattered People by Phil Moore.
Monday to Friday released in the morning on YouTube. This is an excellent, prophetic voice into the Lockdown and Covid 19 pandemic looking through the lens of the book of Acts and the Early Church. All the episodes are on line, and only about 10 minutes long – well worth a listen and you can catch up quickly. [Marshall Schaitel]
Lectio 365 App – 24/7 Prayer
For a more reflective prayer and encounter with God, we would recommend The Lectio 365 devotional app produced by Pete Gregg and 24/7 prayer. [Marshall Schaitel]
Read Scripture App
Read Scripture is an App available to download which helps you navigate, read and understand the Bible. It includes videos, themes, reading plans and extra help to understand and learn about the Bible. You can work through at your own pace, and it is applicable whether you are new to reading the Bible or not. [Jenn Dawson]